
किम जोङले परमाणु प्रसार रोक्न गरे संकल्प 

प्रकाशित २०७४ चैत १४ बुधबार

काठमाडौं । उत्तर कोरियाली शासक किम जोङ उनले परमाणु प्रसार रोक्ने संकल्प गरेका छन् । चिनीयाँ सरकारी न्यूज एजेसी सिन्ह्वाका अनुसार किमले चीन भ्रमणका क्रममा चिनियाँ राष्ट्रपछि सी जिनफिङसंग परमाणु प्रसार रोक्ने संकल्प गरेका हुन् । 

गत आइतबारदेखि चार दिने भ्रमणमा रहेका किमले परमाणु प्रसार रोक्नुको बदलामा चीनले उत्तर कोरियासंग सम्बन्ध मजबुद बनाउने बाचा गरेको छ । 

किम चीन आइतबारै आए पनि सोमबार मात्र पहिलो पटक जापानी मिडियाले थाहा पाएका हुन् । तर यकिन थिएन । मंगलबार मात्र यकिन भयो कि किम नै चीन पुगेका हुन् । किम सन् २०११ मा सत्तामा आएपछि पहिलो पटक विदेश भ्रमणमा निस्केका हुन् । 

उनका बाबु पनि यसरी नै चीनमा आउने गर्थे । विशेष रेलमा चीन आएका किमको भ्रमणलाई आसन्न अमेरिकासंगको वार्ताका लागि तयारी भएको बताइएको छ । 

क्योदो न्यूज एजेन्सीका अनुसार पेइचिङ र प्योङयाङबीच सम्बन्ध सुधार गर्नु नै यस भ्रमणको मुख्य उद्धेश्य हो । 

दक्षिण कोरियाली न्यूज एजेन्सीका अनुसार चिनियाँ राष्ट्रपति सी जिनफिङले पनि उत्तर कोरिया जाने निमन्त्रणा स्वीकार गरेका छन् । 

किम पत्नी रि सोल जुसंगै चीन गएका हुन् । 

Kim visited China from Sunday to Wednesday with his wife, Ri Sol Ju, where they held talks and a banquet while Kim said he was willing to talk to the United States

During the visit from Sunday to Wednesday, Kim held talks with Xi Jinping in Beijing, where the Chinese president hosted a banquet to welcome the North Korean leader

Kim Jong Un told Chinese President Xi Jinping that it was his 'solemn duty' to make Beijing his first overseas destination as he made his maiden foreign trip as leader 

A dark green train (pictured), believed to be carrying a senior North Korean delegation, left the Chinese capital on Tuesday following a dramatic whirlwind visit

Earlier, a motorcade of blacked out cars had been seen entering Beijing Railway Station. The meeting between the leaders of China and North Korea was later confirmed 

A limousine without car plates and bearing a gold color emblem on its side arrives amid heavy security at the train station in Beijing

A senior U.S. official said the available evidence suggested that Kim had travelled to Beijing to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping. Beijing later confirmed the meeting 

There was a heavy police presence as a motorcade travelled along hang'an Avenue, a major east-west thoroughfare in Beijing

The news of the meeting came amid talk of preparations for a meeting between the North's reclusive leader and President Donald Trump

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