
अपडेट : इटाली भूकम्पमा मृत्यु हुनेको संख्या २२ पुग्यो (फोटो)

हाम्रा कुरा
प्रकाशित २०७३ भदौ ८ बुधबार
काठमाडाैं। इटालीमा बुधबार बिहान गएको ६.२ म्याग्नेच्युडको शक्तिशाली भूकम्पमा परि मृत्यु हुनेको संख्या २२ पुगेको छ । अन्य थुप्रै मानिसहरू भगनावशेषमा पुरिएको हुनसक्ने स्थानियलाई उद्रित गर्दै डेली मेलले जनाएको छ। 
भूकम्प परूगियादेखि ७६ किलोमिटर टाढा केन्द्रविन्दु बनाएर स्थानीय समय अनुसार बिहान ३.३६ मिनेटमा गएको अमेरिकी जिओलोजिकल सर्भेले जनाएको छ ।
“चार जना मानिसहरू भगनावशेषमा च्यापिएका छन् तर उनीहरू जीवित छन् भन्ने आशा छैन,” सहरका मेयर स्टेफानो पेट्रुसीले भने। उनले भने “मेरो सहर अब बाकीँ रहेन। मानिसहरूलाई भगनावशेषबाट धमाधम निकालिँदै छ साथै खोजी कार्य रोकिएको छैन”।
भूकम्पका कारण अमाट्रिसस्थित एक गाउँमा थुप्रै भवनहरू भत्किएका छन् र त्यसमा मानिसहरू पुरिएका कारण ठूलो मानवीय क्षति हुनसक्ने जनाइएको छ। “विभिन्न ठाउँमा पहिरो गएको र पुलहरू भत्किएको हुनसक्छ,” अर्का मेयर सर्जियो पिरोजीले भने।
भगनावशेषबाट मानिसहरूलाई उद्दार गर्ने काम चलिरहेको छ। यद्दपी भगनावशेष भित्रबाट अझै पनि मानिसको आवाज आइरहेको उद्दारकर्मीलाई उद्रित गर्दै डेली मेलले जनाएको छ। 
मध्य इटालीमा बस्ने लिना मर्केनटिनीले भने, “यो एकदमै शक्तिशाली थियो। खाट पनि कोठामा हिडेको जस्तो लाग्यो”। यसअघि सन् २००९ मा एक्युलिया क्षेत्रमा गएको ६.३ म्याग्नेच्युडको भूकम्पमा ३ सय जनाले ज्यान गुमाएका थिए।
Agony: A man is pulled out of the rubble with a large gash in his head following the earthquake in Amatrice
Bloodied: An injured nun checks her mobile phone as she lies near a ladder and a blanket following an earthquake in Amatrice
Huddled: A shocked woman and man are seen wrapped in blankets in front of collapsed houses in Amatrice, central Italy
Aftermath: Residents of Amatrice in central Italy has been left in ruins overnight in an earthquake that shook areas up to 100 miles away, including Rome
Trail of sdestruction: Rescuers and people walk along a road following an earthquake in Accumoli, where a family of four including two children died
Collapsed: An unconscious survivor on a makeshift stretcher is carried from the what remains of a collapsed building in Amatrice
Grief: An Italian sobs in the rubble outside his damaged home as people said villages and towns have been destroyed by the 6.2 magnitude earthquake
At least ten people have been killed after a 6.2-magnitude earthquake rocked central Italy (pictured, rescuers carry a man from the rubble in the town of Amatrice)
Helped to safety: A woman is carried down a ladder from her upstairs window, which has a gaping hole in the wall 
Damaged: The mayor of Amatrice (pictured) which has been hit by a landslide following the quake, wiping much of it out
Swathed in blankets, a heavily wounded man gazes at his destroyed hometown of Amatrice which has been cut off from the world after its roads were buried in rubble 

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