
उत्तरी आयरल्याण्डले युक्रेनलाई हरायो

प्रकाशित २०७३ असार २ बिहिबार
काठमाडौं। समुह 'सी'मा रहेको उत्तरी आयरल्याण्डले युक्रेनलाई २-० गोलले पराजित गर्दै युरो २०१६मा आफ्नो जितको खाता खोल्दै ३ अंक बटुलेको छ। 
खेलको ४९औं मिनेटमा गारेथ मकअउले गोल गर्दै आयरल्याण्डलाई अग्रता दिलाएका थिए। युक्रेनले गोल फर्काउने धेरै प्रयास गरेता पनि सफल हुन सकेन र खेलको ९०औं मिनेटमा नियाल मकजिनले दोस्रो गोल गर्दै आयरल्याण्डको जित सुनिश्चित पारेका थिए। 
मैदानमा परेको असिना पानीले खेल २ मिनेटकालागि रोकिएको थियो। युक्रेनले केही राम्रा प्रयास गरेता पनि खेलमा गोल गर्न सकेको थिएन्। युक्रेनलाई आयरल्याण्ड भन्दा बलियो टोली मानिने गरिएको छ। 
उत्तरी आयरल्याण्डले २ खेलमा ३ अंक हासिल गर्दै दोस्रो स्थानमा रहेको छ भने युक्रेनले अहिलेसम्म कुनै अंक जोड्न सकेको छैन्। जर्मनीले १ खेलमा १ जितेको छ भने पोल्याण्डले पनि १ खेलमा १ जितका साथ ३ अंक जोडेको छ। 
Steven Davis falls into the hoardings in the euphoria at having seen his side go in front during the first few minutes of the second half
Oliver Norwood (left) goes to congratulate McAuley after his cross was converted by the tall centre-half as Northern Ireland took the lead
Niall McGinn wheels away in delight after pouncing on a rebound in stoppage time to seal the victory over Ukraine in Lyon
Michael O'Neill got his tactics right and showed the impact his replacement can make with McGinn scoring to put the game to bed
Northern Ireland fans were in full voice despite the heavy conditions that at one point suspended the game in the second half
Ukraine struggled with Northern Ireland's strength from set pieces and they were ultimately undone through this means in Group C
Northern Ireland have put themselves in a strong position heading into their final group game against Germany in Paris on Tuesday
The Aberdeen winger celebrates with the delirious Northern Ireland supporters close to the pitch on a memorable day for the country

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