
ढल्यो फेरि एक पटक फेडेरर राज 

प्रकाशित २०७५ माघ ७ सोमबार

काठमाडौं । टेनिसका महारथी स्वीस खेलाडी रोजर फेडेरर एक पटक फेरि समय अघि नै पराजित भएका छन् ।

Federer was not particularly poor but faced a competitor who produced one of the finest performances of his career to date

३७ वर्षीय सर्वाधिक सफल खेलाडी फेडेरर अष्ट्रेलियन ओपनको चौथो चरणबाटै बाहिरिएका हुन् ।

The defending champion was stunned by the 20-year-old Greek opponent as his title defence was ended in round four

उपाधि नै जित्ने अनुमान गरिएको अवस्थामा फेडेरर ग्रिसका स्टेफानो सिसिपाससंग हार्न पुगे ।

He kept belief despite dropping the first set and never allowed Federer to regain control of the game thereafter

१५ औं विश्व वरियतामा रहेका सिसिपासले फेडेररलाई ६–७, ७–६, ७–५ र ७–६ को प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक सेटमा हराए । 

The 20-year-old was aggressive in key moments and showed no fear against Federer as the crowd roared him on to success

खेल हेर्दा ३७ वर्षे नलाग्ने भए पनि २० वर्षे छिटो स्टेफानोसंग उनले ३ घण्टा ४५ मिनेट कोर्टमा संघर्ष  गरेका थिए । स्टेफानो भने क्वाटरफाइनल पुग्ने पहिलो ग्रीक खेलाडी हुन् । 

स्टेफानो खुसीले रोएका थिए । 

अब उपाधिकै दावेदारीतिर गएका स्टेफानोले क्वाटरफाइनलमा रोबर्टो बाउटिस्टासंग खेल्नेछन् जसले पहिलो राउन्डमै पूर्व विश्व नम्बर एक ब्रिटिश खेलाडी एन्डी मर्रेलाई पछारेका थिए । 

Despite two time violations in the early stages, Tsitsipas soon found his rhythm and enjoyed plenty of success on his serve

There was a warm embrace between the two players at the end as Federer accepted he faced one of the game's rising starsThe defending champion heads back towards the dressing room past the onlooking John McEnroe in Melbourne (right)


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