
करियरको अन्तिम दौडमा चुके धावक युजेन बोल्ट 

प्रकाशित २०७४ साउन २२ आइतबार

लन्डन । जमैकाका धावक युजेन बोल्टले आफ्नो करियरको अन्तिम भिडन्तमा पराजय भोगेका छन् । 

इङ्ल्यान्डको लन्डनमा जारी एथ्लेटिक्स विश्व च्याम्पियनसिपमा १०० मिटर दौडमा बोल्ट तेस्रो भए ।

९.९२ सेकेण्ड रेस सकाएका अमेरिकी धावक जस्टिन ग्याट्लिन पहिलो हुँदा ९.९४ सेकेण्डमा रेस सकाएका अर्का अमेरिकी धावक क्रिस कोलम्यान दोस्रो भए ।

तेस्रो स्थान लिएका बोल्टले ९.९५ सेकेण्डमा रेस सकाए । 

ओलम्पिक खेलमा ८ वटा स्वर्ण पदक जितेर किर्तिमान बनाएर करियरमा १९ स्वर्ण पदक जितेका बोल्टको बिदाइ खल्लो भएको हो । 

Justin Gatlin took gold on the line to become the oldest ever world champion on Saturday in the men's 100m sprint


 Christian Coleman (second right) finished with the silver medal leaving Bolt in third place but he was given a hero's send-off

Gatlin (bottom of the picture) took first place with a late surge to deny Coleman on the line with Yohan Blake in fourth

Gatlin consoles Bolt after his final individual race, which ended with a bronze medal after another sluggish startThe 35-year-old - in lane eight - was behind his compatriot Coleman from the blocks but came through to clinch victory
