
रुसको सपिङ मलमा भयानक आगलागी, ३७ को मृत्यु, ६९ बेपत्ता 

प्रकाशित २०७४ चैत १२ सोमबार

काठमाडौं । रुसको साइबेरियास्थित एक व्यापारिक केन्द्रमा भएको आगलागीमा परी सय भन्दा बढीको मृत्यु भएको अनुमान गरिएको छ । डेली मेलका अनुसार अहिलेसम्म ३५ जनाको मृत्यु भएको सरकारी अधिकारीले जनाएका छन् भने ६९ जना हराइरहेका छन् । 

सरकारी अधिकारीले २३ जनाको मात्र शव फेला पारेका छन् । आगो निभाउनै हम्मेहम्मे परेकाले उद्धारमा कठिनाइ भएको छ । 

हराइरहेका मध्ये ४० जना बालबालिका रहेको डेलीमेलले जनाएको छ । 

मेरोभोस्थित विन्टर चेरी भवनको उपल्लो तलाबाट आगलागी सुरु भएको थियो । 

आगलागी सुरु भएलगत्तै कतिपय मानिसहरू झ्यालबाट हाम फालेका थिए । 

हामफाल्दा कसैको मृत्यु भयो भने गम्भीरहरुको अस्पतालमा उपचार भइरहेको छ । 

सिनेमा मलबाट समेत थुप्रैको शव निकालिएको छ । 

At least 35 people are reported to have died in a blaze (pictured) that broke out at the 'Winter Cherry' building in Kemerovo, Siberia on Sunday 

Officials say 69 people are still missing, 40 of which are children. A total of 13 bodies were found by firefighters in a cinema in the mall. Pictured: fire crews desperately battling the blaze

Another young girl feared dead in the blaze is pictured, as rescuers comb the scorched shopping centre she disappeared in for remains 

People were seen jumping from several storeys up as they desperately tried to escape the flames, which are believed to have started in a foam-filled play area inside the building

Fifteen fire teams, including 60 firemen, were at the scene of the accident, where some 1,500 square metres of the mall was ablaze
